Food For Healthy Bones

Irma Jennings - INHC - Holistic Bone Coach

New Food Label

January 10, 2022
Irma Jennings

New USDA GMO Regulations

This new year finds the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) changing its labeling rules for genetically modified foods.

Foods containing "genetically engineered" (GE) ingredients or "genetically modified organisms" (GMOs) will now simply be marked as "bioengineered."  

Bioengineered Logo

The USDA has said the change "avoids a patchwork of state labeling regulations" to provide a national standard for the labels that were once set on a state-by-state basis.

"The worst part of this law is the use of the term ‘bioengineered’ because that’s not a term most consumers are familiar with," Gregory Jaffe, director of Center for Science in the Public Interest's biotechnology project.

Some commonly bioengineered foods include:

  • Corn
  • Canola
  • Soybeans
  • Potatoes
  • Eggplant
  • Sugar beets

This is why I eat organic.

During the Elimination Diet I sadly realized that my "off-the-grid' treat when traveling to Virginia to be with my guy friend, was Fritos Corn Chips. It's a childhood hold over. Then I discovered I am highly sensitive to corn. I could never pinpoint what caused my tummy to be upset. After the Elimination Diet I know what to eliminate

Back to Fritos…… Not only are they NOT organic but are most likely genetically engineered.

Good-bye Fritos Corn Chips.

And Eggs
And Coffee
And Sugar
And Dairy

It’s worth having better health, better digestion, and improved sleep.

Food is an important piece of Bone Health. It’s the one thing we do every day, often 3 times a day. Each forkful counts.


Bone Health Summit with 45 expert presenters

Have you registered for the Natural Approaches to Osteoporosis and Bone Health Summit?

It runs January 17th - 23rd with an incredible line up of speakers.

I’ll be presenting on Day 5; January 21st, 2022: “Eating for Your Bones”

Here’s the link to register for free.

A bonus for registering is an important presentation by Tom O’Bryan, DC, CCN, DACBN

Gluten and Bone Health

In this free video, learn:

  • Link between gluten-related disorders and osteoporosis
  • Testing for wheat and gluten-related disorders?
  • Choosing the best treatment

Each day's presentations are on demand for a 24-hour period beginning at 10:00 A.M. U.S. Eastern.

Join me and 45 other experts at the Natural Approaches to Osteoporosis and Bone Health Summit.

Line up of Speakers

Here is the line-up of the speakers:

Speakers I’m looking forward to hearing

Kim Millman, MD, PhD on the causes of bone loss and nutrients for stronger bones

Terry Wahls, MD the link between autoimmune conditions and osteoporosis

Felice Gersch, MD the role of estrogen on bone health

Stephanie Seneth, Phd on Glyphosate and your bones. Glyphosates are widespread in our food supply, especially in highly processed foods.

Clinton Rubin, PhD - Low Intensity Vibration for bones and the latest research on vibration and bone health.

Deva Boone, Md, FACS, FACE - parathyroid impact on osteoporosis.

Dr. Boone takes the complicated and uses simple language to help understand the role of the parathyroid.

I purchased the event as I know I’ll be referring to these presenters again and again.

How to Order the Natural Approach to Osteoporosis Summit

Click below to order the recordings and all the bonuses.

Ordering the event

Hope to see you at the event!

Thank you for your trust,

From my bones to yours,

Irma Jennings, INHC - Osteoporosis Patient Navigator

30 Essential Foods for Bone Health

From my bones to yours,
Irma Jennings, INHC
Your Holistic Bone Coach
[email protected]

30 Essential Foods for Bone Health
30 Essential Foods for Bone Health
© 2024 Irma Jennings. All rights reserved worldwide