Food For Healthy Bones

Irma Jennings - INHC - Holistic Bone Coach

Easy cooking tips for your bones [TV Show featuring Irma Jennings]

I had such fun being interviewed by Dorothy Mullen, "Cooking for the Health of It" on Princeton TV. Feeding my bones brings me tremendous joy. However, teaching my clients a variety of bone strengthening foods....well that tickles my bones.  My clients food needs are varied. My clients care about food and their bones and include vegans, […]

The Best Veggies for Strong Bones - Seaweed

You know by now that Skelly and I are big fans of leafy green vegetables. But there’s another family of veggies we love just as much for bone health – maybe even more. Know why? These veggies can have almost 10 times the amount of calcium as milk does. And unlike milk they also have all […]

Feed Your Bones With Homemade Bone Broth

Feed Your Bones With Homemade Bone Broth There’s snow on the ground today and my Skelly is chilled to her marrow. It’s the perfect day for bone broth. Your grandmother knew a rich stock made from the bones of a chicken could cure a winter cold or flu. It soothes sore throats and builds up […]

DXA Test: What You Must Know

DXA Test: Did you catch my online bone event with Dr. Lani Simpson?  Dr. Lani did not hold back about bones and the DXA Test during our lively conversation with 100 participants from all over the world. She’s the author of the “No-Nonsense Bone Health Guide” and there really was no-nonsense. Dr. Lani talked about […]

Milk Linked to Fractures: 10 Better Foods for Strong Bones

Guest Blogger: Margie King Science has once again shattered the myth that milk makes strong bones.  A new Swedish study links drinking milk to higher rates of bone fractures and even death.[i] The study tracked the eating habits of over 60,000 women for 20 years and over 45,000 men for 15 years. Researchers found that […]

Ostopenia? Ostoporosis? Your No-Nonsense Bone Health Guide

Today I want to tell you about my colleague Dr. Lani Simpson.  She has a great story to tell.  You see, Dr. Lani is a chiropractor who taught people about bone health for years.  Then in 1994 at the age of 45 she was diagnosed with osteoporosis.  And she was shocked. She was shocked because […]

What Gluten Does to Your Bones

Are bagels putting holes in your bones? Well, maybe that sounds a little crazy but stick with me on this. When I say bagels, I’m really talking about the gluten in bagels and other wheat products.  That includes bread, pasta, donuts, cupcakes, cookies, and a multitude of processed foods that add gluten.

Death By Calcium - Stepping Away from Calcium Supplements

The last thing you should be taking for your bones is a calcium supplement.  And don’t even think about drinking a glass of milk. That’s according to Dr. Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD.  In his recent book Death By Calcium he turns everything you thought you knew about bone health upside down.  Starting with calcium.

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