Food For Healthy Bones

Irma Jennings - INHC - Holistic Bone Coach

Strong Bones and Milk: Relax! Light up a cigarette and have a tall glass of milk.

“Sit back and light up a cigarette – it does a body good.” As shocking as that sounds today, there was a time when it was widely accepted. My early memories are filled with smokers.  In the 50’s my parents would light a cigarette whenever they wanted to relax:  during and after family meals, cocktail […]

Strong Bones - Calcium and Mineral-Rich Oatmeal with Almond Milk

Strong Bones need 20 vitamins and minerals in addition to calcium. Here's a Strong Bone recipe that will feed and warm the marrow of your bones. Ingredients:

Keeping Bones Healthy

Dr. Veronica Anderson's  topic "Keeping Bones Healthy" is on the minds of many.  As one of 7 experts on her radio talk show on bone health we had a lively discussion. Take home message:  First Step starts in our kitchen!

Bone Strength ~ 3 Daily Tips ~ Dancing into your 90's

With so many baby boomers approaching our 50's, 60's and 70's - we're 76 million strong - bone loss revealed through dexa test, being handed diagnosis of osteopenia, osteoporosis, has become part of our life's discussions.  Strong bones are our life's foundation. The question often asked:  Do I take bone medications or do I take charge? […]

Seasonal Veggies

  Remember all leafy greens are a good source of Vitamin A (immunity), Vitamin C (wound healing, collagen production for healthy skin) Vitamin K (for blood clotting and bone health), and folate (heart health, proper DNA replication for healthy new cells). But additionally, Arugula, Mizuna (Japanese mustard), Wild Kale and Tatsoi are all members of […]

8 Daily Tips for Bone Health

Better bone health IS achievable. Here are 8 specific Bone Health tips to use daily to get you on the road to stronger bones.

Fall Flu

I woke up yesterday with what appeared to be a flu of some sort; body aches, fatigue, dry cough, chills. My bones were saying “Uh, Oh!” I reached into my medicine cabinet and took my first dose of the homeopathic remedy “oscillococcinum” (pronounced o-sill-o-cox-see-num), dashed to my Farmers Market to purchase the ingredients for my […]

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