Food For Healthy Bones

Irma Jennings - INHC - Holistic Bone Coach


I love reading books to improve my health but truthfully my interest seems to wane 1/2 way through.  Then I become a book grazer.

Having created my online book clubs, I no longer have this challenge and feel held accountable by our group.  Now that works for me and my bones. [br] [br]
Here's the thing:
Science continues to move forward the claim what I've been writing about over the past 10 years in my Food for Healthy Bones blogs, "Food Is Our Medicine".   It's satisfying that the most important first-step solution to health is moving into that bigger conversation. [br]  [br]

My Next Book:  The Healthy Bones Nutrition Plan and Cookbook

The Healthy Bones Nutrition Plan and Cookbook









The Healthy Bones Nutrition Plan and Cookbook offers recipes for animal protein eaters, vegetarians and vegans.

My book clubs are held over the telephone/computer using my ZOOM conference bridge.


Please join my 7th online book club and together create magic in the kitchen.


Thursday evening, November 29, 2018 from 7-8:00pm ET 

please check your time zone HERE

This is a 5-week book club that meets every other Thursday.

Please note Bones Tribe members attend for free [br]  [br]
Bones Tribe members please re-confirm your participation by emailing me at [email protected]
Bones Tribe Members:
1. Roberta B.
2. Trudy O.
3. Maria S.
4. Lynda VM.
5. Meg O.
6. Maureen R.
7. Gale W.
8. Janis T.
9. Laura P.
10. Vicki S.
11. Doreen D.
12. Peggy T.
13. Carolyn W-M
14. Katherine M.
15. Sue B
Other Members:
16. Becky W.
17. Diane D.
18. Elycia L.
19. Marie PM.
20. Lynn H.
21. Susanne M.
21. Evelyn M.
22. Rikki GK.
23. Diane D.
24. Heidi K.
25. Nancy R.
26. Mary Beth R.
27. Marcelle V.
28. Peg F.
29. Judy H
30. Ginney H
31. Janice S.
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There are 5 steps to become part of my book club:


Please take these steps to join my book club.

1. Purchase your book by clicking HERE or  the image below.

The Healthy Bones Nutrition Plan and Cookbook










2. Reserve your spot----> HERE

There is an administration fee of $10 for my book club.


3. Schedule: Mark your calendar

Thursday's at 7pm ET / 5pm CT / 4pm MST /3pm PDT

Check your time zone HERE

11/29/18 - Session #1 - Introduction and Chapters 1-4 - Pages 1-54
12/13/18 - Session #2 - Chapters 5-9 - Pages 55-108
12/27/18 - Session #3 - Chapters 10-12 - Pages 109-140
1/10/19 -  Session #4 - Chapters 13-16 - Pages 141-178
1/24/19 - Session #5 - Chapters 17-22 - Pages 179-248


We will be using my private FB Book Club for conversations between meetings.  [br] [br]
Here is the link: to join.
Calls will be recorded and posted on my Facebook page
any questions??? [br]
Please email me at:  [email protected]

5. Register for Zoom - Last Step

Please click the word  "ZOOM" below to register for the calls using my conference line.



Past Book Clubs

The Whole Body Approach to Osteoporosis by Dr. Keith McCormick.

He addresses how he moved from severe osteoporosis at 45 years old (-4.3) to managing his osteoporosis at 64 as he continues to run marathons.

You can purchase your book HERE

The Whole Body Approach to Osteoporosis 

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 [br] [br] Whole Detox - by Dr. Deanna Minich

You can purchase your book HERE
The Whole Detox Book Club



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The Wahls Protocol - How I Beat Progressive MS Using Paleo Principles and Functional Medicine.

You can purchase your book HERE










Click below to read my blog post.

Cruciferous Vegetables to feed your bones and heal your body

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Dr. Lani's No-Nonsense Bone Health Guide

You can purchase your book HERE










Click below to read my blog post.

No Nonsense Bone Health Guide

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Death By Calcium by Thomas Levey, MD, JD

You can purchase your book HERE



Death By Calcium By Thomas Levy, M.D.







Click below to read my blog post

Death By Calcium – Stepping Away from Calcium Supplements

The Hormone Cure by Sara Gottfried, MD

You can purchase your book ---> The Hormone Cure by Sara Gottfried, M.D.

The Hormone Cure by Sara Gottfried


Bone Loss and possible fracture.  Women with low coritsol have higher rates of hip fracture. page 95

Xenoestrogens (synthetic chemicals, such as plastics, that are stored in fat tissue for decades)  mimic estrogen and have an estrogenlike reaction to the body.When xenoestrogen bind to your estrogen receptors, they can activate some of them, such as those inthe breast, and block others, such as those in the bones. page 158 

© 2024 Irma Jennings. All rights reserved worldwide