Food For Healthy Bones

Irma Jennings - INHC - Holistic Bone Coach

Can Pomegranates Reverse Bone Loss?

March 23, 2018
Irma Jennings

Can Pomegranates Hasten Bone Loss?

My Skelly really likes summer fruits like blueberries and watermelon. But come winter there’s a fruit she loves even more. I’m talking about pomegranates. These are one of the oldest known fruits in the world. In ancient Egypt they were buried in the tombs of royalty.

And I love pomegranates for what they do for my Skelly…

Pomegranates originated in Persia and some people still call them “Persian apples” or “Chinese apples.” They were used in Persian wedding ceremonies to symbolize health, fertility, and longevity.

Modern science shows the Persians knew how to pick a symbol. Pomegranates have an abundance of antioxidants that boost your heart and brain health, and cut your risk of cancer. In fact studies show pomegranates may have a role in treating over two hundred different diseases or conditions.[i]

Antioxidants from pomegranates support your bones by reducing oxidative stress that can weaken bones.

Boosting Osteoblasts

A study in the European Journal of Nutrition found that all parts of the pomegranate boost the activity of osteoblasts or bone-building cells. They also lower the activity of osteoclasts or cells that break down bone.[ii]

In another animal study rats with accelerated bone loss were fed an extract of pomegranate juice and seeds. In just two weeks their bone mineral loss reverted to normal rates.[iii]

And a review of eight different studies concluded that pomegranate extract or juice has positive effects on osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis.[iv]

With a thick leathery skin and bright red color, pomegranates sort of look like an apple. But you might be surprised to learn that this exotic fruit is actually a berry!

Two pomegranates, one whole and one cut on white

You see, pomegranates are filled with edible seeds. That’s pretty much the definition of a berry.

If you cut a pomegranate in half, you'll find it's filled with tart juicy sacs called arils. There are about 600 arils in the average pomegranate. Inside each aril is a crunchy fiber-rich seed. While some people spit them out, you can eat them whole, seed and all.

But I find that many of my clients are intimidated by pomegranates. Don’t be…

For me, peeling a pomegranate is like a meditation. I like to cut the pomegranate in half and hold it over a bowl, cut side down. Then I whack the skin side with a wooden spoon. It’s surprisingly efficient.

Here's Skelly and Irma in the kitchen

Throw a handful of the arils on top of salads, or in your smoothie or yogurt. If you’re not up to peeling your own pomegranate, you can also buy fresh or dried arils.

Or drink two to six ounces of pomegranate juice every day. The juice has higher levels of antioxidants than other juices including cranberry or blueberry. It even has more than red wine or green tea.

Thank you for stopping by.

Irma and her Skelly

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[ii] Spilmont M, Léotoing L, Davicco MJ, et al. “Pomegranate and its derivatives can improve bone health through decreased inflammation and oxidative stress in an animal model of postmenopausal osteoporosis.” Eur J Nutr. 2014;53(5):1155-64.

[iii] Junko Mori-Okamoto, Yoko Otawara-Hamamoto, Hideyuki Yamato, Hiroyuki Yoshimura. “Pomegranate extract improves a depressive state and bone properties in menopausal syndrome model ovariectomized mice.” J Ethnopharmacol. 2004;92(1):93-101.

[iv] Shuid AN, Mohamed IN. “Pomegranate use to attenuate bone loss in major musculoskeletal diseases: an evidence-based review.” Curr Drug Targets. 2013;14(13):1565-78.

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Irma Jennings, INHC
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[email protected]

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