Food For Healthy Bones

Irma Jennings - INHC - Holistic Bone Coach

Bone Supplements with Dr. McCormick

December 28, 2021
Irma Jennings

Hello friends of bones:

I’m happy to present my bone supplement interview with Dr. McCormick. We discussed his full line of bone supplements which are an important ingredient for healthy bones and why calcium in lower doses matters.

A number of attendees mentioned they were not able to get into the zoom call.  

My 2022 gift to my community is the recording and the transcript.

Please note:  

I am not an affiliate of Dr. McCormick’s supplements.  I find good bone-loving products and bring them to my community.  I cut through the marketing hype.  I currently take his Mineral Whey and his Collagen.  My bones are strong.

As Dr. McCormick mentioned, supplements are just that; they supplement our food.  They don’t take the place of food.  This is an important part of bone health; food.  Calcium and mineral-rich food which I provide in my private sessions and my monthly membership Bones Tribe.

Dr. McCormick is one of a dozen doctors I refer my clients to.  I have a team. My work has grown considerably and I am able to help more clients understand their diagnosis, bone markers, and blood work. And find the appropriate bone doctor, functional gut doctor and serve as an advocate on private calls with their doctors.

A few of my referral doctors are: Dr. McCormick, DC, Dr. Lani Simpson, DC, CCD Certified Densitomitrist, Dr. Paul Miller, Dr. Jessica Starr, HSS Dr. Aly Cohen, Integrative Rheumatologist, Dr. Lorraine Maita, Dr. Deva Boone, Parathyroid Surgeon, Dr. Kim Zamito, Orthopedic Surgeon who offers Echolight and functional and integrative doctors: Dr. Kristann Heinz, RD, Dr. Adi Benito.

I've found DXA/TBS facilities for my clients all around the country as well.


** Dr. McCormick had severe osteoporosis at 45 years old. He endured 22 fractures during his bone journey of 5 years. He used bone drugs for a few years (Forteo and Fosamax). He is fracture-free and to continues to run long distances.

** Dr. McCormick's OsteoSustain supplement has 500mg of calcium. He uses 4 different types of calcium, dicalcium malate, calcium citrate nitrate, calcium bis-glycinate chelate, calcium ascorbate.

** The rest should come from food

** All of his supplements can be taken together: 

OsteoSustain, OsteoStim, Mineral Whey, and Collagen

OsteoNaturals Products

** His Mineral Whey is from goats that are not exposed to pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics or growth hormones.  Often those challenged by dairy do not have a reaction to goat milk.

** Gluten intolerance/celiac play a huge role in bone health.

** Dr. McCormick mentioned Echolight.  This new procedure is making its way into the world of bone health. 

** Vitamin K2 / MK-4 is important for bone health.

** 500-1000 micrograms of K2 / MK-4.  OsteoStim has 700 micrograms and OsteoSustain has 100 micrograms totaling 800 micrograms.

** K2 / MK-7 has a longer half-life.  Osteostim has 50 micrograms.

** Those diagnosed with osteopenia should track your CTx

** High CTx anything above 400 is high.

** An osteoporosis patient reported she lowered her CTx substantially taking Dr. McCormick’s products

** Always test your vitamin D levels.  Dr. McCormick's range is 30-50ng/ml.  I test my levels twice a year.  At the end of summer and during the winter months.

You can purchase Dr. McCormick's supplements HERE

Please enjoy the recording below.

Prefer to read the transcript? Scroll down beyond my signature.

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30 Essential Foods for Bone Health

From my bones to yours,
Irma Jennings, INHC
Your Holistic Bone Coach
[email protected]

30 Essential Foods for Bone Health
30 Essential Foods for Bone Health
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