During our one-hour private coaching session/intake we'll examine your food, exercise and lifestyle choices.
I'll share resources with you from my years of working with my bones and the bones of my clients.
A plan will be created to increase more bone building foods while decreasing bone busting foods.
Calls/sessions can be held:
Over the telephone, Zoom, Skype or in the delightfully calming space of my New Hope Office:
Investment in Your Bones
Discovery session $150.00
Here's how to book a consultation with Irma.
#1) Click HERE to schedule your one-on-one session
#2) Click HERE to make your payment of $150.00 using my secure payment system
Looking forward to my bones meeting your bones.
"My very good friend, Irma Jennings, went from the board room on Wall Street to the cutting board in her kitchen. Irma and I met because of our love of bones. The reason I love what she does is because she is teaching people the heart of bone health – teaching us how to feed our bones.”-- Dr. Lani Simpson, DC, CCD Author: No-Nonsense Bone Health Guide – The Truth about Density Testing, Drugs and Building Bone Quality at Any Age
"Irma Jennings is an astute, supremely qualified teacher who excites her clients to achieve and maintain a vibrant and healthy lifestyle. What is on the end of our fork has become one of the most empowering medicines of our time. Hippocrates was so wise when he said, “let food be your medicine, and medicine be your food.”
Irma is your key to this important teaching."
– Helene B. Leonetti, MD